Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I hold THESE truths to be self-evident....

     Ya'll c'mon now...  If you think that all marriage really is about is how your bits match up in the bedroom, then you are doing marriage WRONG.

     If you think that having 2 mommies or 2 daddies will create an unstable household then I will ask you to pull your head out 1845 and really take a look at the marriage/divorce rates for heterosexuals these days.

     If you think that gay marriage is wrong and GOD SHALL SMITE THE WICKED WITH THE FIRE AND THE BRIMSTONE AND THE ANGER.... then may I remind you of a little thing called the Separation of Church and State.  You know... just something that your beloved Founding Fathers insisted on.  You have your freedom of religion to say it can't happen in your Holy House... that's fine, your loss... but you cannot dictate what happens in EVERYBODY ELSE'S HOUSE.  That smacks of a dictatorship and ya'll gone Commy on me now?  

     You would tell a soldier boy he couldn't spend the last precious moments with his beloved in the hospital just because his beloved doesn't have boobs?  That is unpatriotic.  You will make the bald eagles cry.

     Awww.... you're worried that a homosexual marriage would threaten a heterosexual one?  Why's that?  Concerned that someone with the same bits as their partner might know a bit more about the good stuff during the SuperHappyPrivateTime?  Wouldn't want other couples to blow each other's minds while you are still fumbling with yer zippers in the dark!  ... *sigh* ... Just buy a damn book and pay attention.

     You are going to tell the children of a blended family that they can't get covered under Mommy's health plan because Daddy is a Mommy too?  You tell them then.... look those sweet babies in the face and tell them.  You let them know that your prejudice and anger is what is keeping them from the dentist, the doctor, the optometrist...

     Homosexuality is immoral, is it?  Fine... you are entitled to your "opinion" but I think teaching your girls that all they are good for is breeding and feeding is immoral, I think that teaching children to hate and judge is immoral, but am I doing anything other than rolling my eyes and telling off color jokes about you?  No I am not.  I'm not even telling the jokes to your face...  But don't you worry, I'm going to start.  Tit for tat....

     If you think it can't be a marriage because they can't have children then.... whoa, this one is too easy....  *snort*  What about couples who are infertile?  What about older couples on a second go 'round?  What about all those babies that are being made right now, as you read this without the couple being married?  Wow, that's a bad argument... like fartin' in the wind.  More holes than Swiss cheese.  You see where I going with this...

     So let's get out noses out of people's bedrooms and into other things like ending world hunger, fixing the national debt issues, arresting global warming, stopping sex and drug trafficking, finding a cure for cancer, or any of the other hundreds of issues that need our time and attention.  The sooner we all start to see each other as HUMANS and a WHOLE and not groups of folks we need to hate on, the better.  Let's all just move forward and work on not destroying ourselves, hmm?  We've all seen Planet of the Apes......


  1. When I was young - and we're talking late 70's early 80's here - my grandmother had a worker who lived with a same sex partner. I'm hazy on the specifics - because I was young - but she fought the insurance company for the rights of this employee to add her/his partner as a dependent. I honestly believe that most of us feel it is nobodies business who marries who, except the people getting married.

    1. She was very brave to do that back then. The taboo-factor must have been WAY higher.

      I guess living in a RED state, it just becomes more of an issue for folks.... especially the religious ones. We get a bit inundated down here with the "we are all going to burn in hell" spiel.

  2. I see I preachin' to the choir! ;)

  3. I loved this post! I tried commenting earlier, and it wouldn't let me. I loved it so much, that I made sure to come back and tell you. Too much intolerance, and judgement out there. I say "Who cares". As long as you are not putting my family or friends in harms way then do whatever you want!
    Love is love!

    1. You are so right! The LOVE part is the most important part!

  4. This is delightful, and I just posted the link on my Facebook page :)

    1. Why thank you! And here I was all worried about pissing folks off.... :)

  5. You know, they've actually done studies, and two-mom households make the best kids. I have a two-mom household in my family, and those kids are smart as HELL! And a lot more well-adjusted than the divorced-mom-and-dad families, too...

    1. Cause Moms are the best! It really doesn't surprise me.... :)

  6. I agree completely. I also get mad when they claim "it's not natural" even though there are MANY other species that have same sex pairings.(Geese, Penguins) Also, I clicked over here because I think you have like, the best blog title in the history of ever. Don't chew on the table. LOL.

  7. Sing it sister! Love THIS! LOVE it.

  8. I LOVE this!!! I have a friend from college that has been in an exclusive relationship with her girlfriend for 8 years now, while everyone else has had 7-10 boyfriends. She's sweet, loving, and just a great friend. I want her to have a wedding day, same as me!!!

  9. Read and argue this point on why two moms/dads won't work. Read all the way through because it's a joke;

    Hahaha...I agree with you on every point made.

  10. AaaaMEN!

    I live near extremely conservative family members and they almost had me thinking - well ... marriage IS supposed to be a 'christian' union.

    Then I stepped back and thought, "WTF am I THINKING???" 1. It may have once been a religious union, but since it is now considered a LEGAL union - then religion no longer has sole discretion as to who gets married. and 2. Who the F*** am I to judge what is morally right or wrong??? When we die we will be judged by a higher power .. it is not MY place to do the judging down here!.

    Anyway that is a long way to say - I absolutely agree! And if I would not send 75% of the family that is within a stones throw from me into apopletic (is that a word?) shock - then I would use that symbol as my avatar - but as it is, I must live with them and eat holiday dinners with them - and try to do it peacefully. They already went a little nuts because I told my DD both meanings of the words 'Queer' and 'Gay' and she decided to inform the rest of the kids in the family. *sigh* I don't mind a little conflict - but not that much.

  11. oh yeah - almost forgot .... I am here through TGIF hop, and getting you followed, you can find me at:

  12. Great post, glad I found it through a blog hop! :) Danica

  13. So very well said! Really, can we stop poking our noses in other people's lives?!
